city beach basketball club
Defend to the end
Welcome to CBBC
Our teams for the 2025 season are finalised.
Season Dates:
Week 1: Fri/Sat 21/22 March
School Holiday Break: Fri/Sat 11/12 April, Fri/Sat 18/19 April and Fri/Sat 25/26 April
Games are scheduled to be played the June Long weekend Fri/Sat 30/31 May
Games are scheduled to be played the first weekend of the Jun/Jul holidays Fri/Sat 04/05 Jul
Week 1 for U8 Miniball: Tuesday, 6 May.
School Holiday Break: Fri/Sat 11/12 July & Fri/Sat 18/19 July
Week 18 - Final Games for U10MB, U10 & U12: Fri/Sat 22/23 August
Last week for U8 Minball: Tuesday, 26 August.
Semi Finals (U14 and above): Fri/Sat 29/30 August
Grand Finals (plus MVP presentations): Fri/Sat 05/06 September
There is no training during the school holidays. Club singlets are only to be worn on game day, not at training (apart from U8 miniballers).
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